The Relationship centre
The Relationship centre
Relationship & Marriage Counselling, Individual Counselling, Parenting,
Relationship & Marriage Counselling, Individual Counselling, Parenting,
Welcome to the Relationship Centre
Relationship Counselling Belfast
Relationships are at the heart of all that happens in our lives and can bring so much happpiness, love and support
The most important factor in determining how happy our relationships are is the nature of your relationship with yourself and the nature of the other person's relationship with him / herself
The nature of your relationship with yourself is influenced by your experience of relationships in childhood.
How were feelings dealt with in your family?
How safe was it to be authentic as a child?
Who really saw you as an individual and who took the time to get to know you when you were little?
Was there anyone to go to when you were upset or worried and was there anyone who listened to you?
lDid anyone let you know that you mattered and that you were loved not for what you did but for just being you?
Did you have to meet conditions to get love eg. be well behaved, be good at school, don't say what you feel, be tidy.
How you were treated as a child will directly effect how you treat yourself now and what you expect or tolerate in your realtionships.
Challenges in Relationships
For example :Birth of a child, illness, death of a parent, work related issues, moving house.
Most relationships experience challenges that can lead to stressful feelngs and trigger old memories of feelings of hurt from childhood. This can lead us to feel and behave in ways we don't fully understand.
In Relationship counselling you are free to talk about what's happening both within your relationship with your partner and within yourself. The aim is to make sense of what is going on, to become conscious of why each of you feel as you feel and to begin to understand what the real issues are beneath the poor communication, arguing, affairs, lack of support, always being at work, use of alchol and drugs and lack of intimacy etc.
We each get up every morning planning to do our best but stuff and people get in the way and how we respond to that stuff with be strongly influenced by how the adults in our childhood responeded to others and to us. if you want to become aware of why this or that person's behaviour upsets you that's great because then you can release the feeling associated with it and at last it no longer upsets you .
All our past experiences have helped wire the neuro circuits in our brain and mean that we can automatically go into defense and feel threatened by behaviours that wewish didnt upset us and which logically dont make sene You respond or react to otherpeoples behaviours based on whether you peprceive them as safe or as threatening, in this sense all behviour has wisdom.
When we get distressd as children and our parents are regularly not in a place to releive our distress, the feeling is too much for us to handle alone and so we disconnect from it in order to survive. In doing this we find a way to not feel the pain but we also loose connection with our authentic sef. Consequently as adults we are not always conscious of what is going on within us so we project out our feelings onto another in the hope that someone mature will notice our distress and helps us make sense of it.
When you become conscious of who you really are, you feel full rather than empty and life feels different.Your relationships become easy becasue youre at ease with yourself. All the parts of yourself that you hid away begin to emerge e.g. your passion, your voice, your assertiveness, your courage, your motivation, your ability to relax, your belief in yourself, your intelligence in all areas and you begin to realsie that the things you find attractive in another were within you all along.
Your sense of self deepens and becomes more solid; your relationships with others deepens; you begin to bring your fullness, rather than your emptyness, to yourself and to all your other relationships.
Our belief is that human beings are too powerful and intelligent to get damaged or develop disorders; what makes more sense is that we find solutions to coping with hurt by by creating responses to threats from the defences of those we are in relationship with. That response may involve creating a way of hiding your voice or your power or your ability to love but it is always a wise creation and it is always done to enable us to survive.
The same intelligence and creativty that created our protective behaviours will enable us to allow the real us to emerge as we get to know ourselves.
We tend not to give advice, because as you will find, your own intelligence will give you your own answers when you give yourself the space and safety to become conscious.
We will share our own experiences and information on psychology with you but our key role is to provide psychological holding.
OUR Therapists
Post Gradute Cert. Education, Higher Dip. Relationship Mentoring; Dip. Parent Mentoring, Dip. NLP, Cert. Counselling & Psychotherapy.
Masters Degree, Nursing & Midwifery, Dip. Adv. Study Health Care,
Cathy has a private practice in Psychotherapy and Parent & Relationship Mentoring in Belfast.
She began her career in Nursing and after working for a period in The Middle East became a Sister in Cardiac Surgery in the RVH Belfast. She then moved to work in Practice Deveopment and Research, focusing on Person Centred Care; her Master’s research focussed on facilitating change in Leaders. After completing her MSc. Cathy took up a post as lecturer in Nursing at Queen’s University Belfast.
She began her Counselling and Psychotherapy training in Manchester in 2000, opening a practice in Belfast in 2003. In 2010 she studied for four years in the Co-creative approach with University College Cork completing diplomas in Parent and Relationship Mentoring. Her practice is validated by The Irish Association of Relationship Mentors.
Parent and relationship Mentor – I also practice as a Solicitor, I have expertise and knowledge of Family Law
My Private Practice is based in the Sandymount area of Dublin . My psychology training was with Dr. Tony Humphreys through University College Cork.
I have a law degree from University College Dublin, a Diploma in Parent Mentoring, and a Higher Diploma in Relationship Mentoring. My psychology training is accredited by University College Cork and my practice is validated by The Irish Association of Relationship MentorsWhat we offer:
We offer a range of services
Counselling Belfast
One of the most important things you can do to become happier is to realise what is going on within yourself . Counselling and Psychotherapy are about facilitating this consciousness about realising what the nature of your relationship with yourself is like.
Counselling Belfast
Relationship Counselling involves looking at issues arising between two people (husband and wife, partners, friends or work colleagues).
Relationships offer the most powerful opportunities for personal and interpersonal growth.
Counselling Belfast
Teenagers have a strong sense of justice, being listened to and understood matter deeply to them. We provide Counselling and support for teenagers to empower them to go out into the world with a strong sense of self.
Early language and literacy development begins in the first three years of life and is closely linked with a child’s earliest experiences of books and stories.
Teachers have responsibility not only for creating and providing lessons but also for caring for their pupils and noticing any physical or emotional problems.
This approach involves looking at how you lead and govern yourself and others; it seeks to establish a leadership with consciousness.
Connect With Us
gmail.com Mob:
07793 133848
58 Howard Street, Belfast,
Belfast: 02890500889
Dublin: 00353 (87) 818 2149
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